Monday, March 2, 2015

Another Story of Snow White : THE DARK SNOW AND THE 7 CHICKENS

Another story of Snow White

Long time ago in a castle, lived a princess called Dark Snow because of her dark beautiful skin. Her father has died a year ago, so she lived with her evil stepmother and a mirror that talks. The evil stepmom - a.k.a the queen - is jealous of Dark Snow beauty. She really wants to put her hands on the neck of Dark Snow until she can’t move her lips anymore. She asked the mirror, “Mirror, mirror, on the floor, who’s the prettiest of them all?”
Then the mirror answered, “My queen, my queen, the fairest of them all is the Dark Snow”. The queen got on her nerves. She stepped on the mirror and crack it, but because of the mirror is magical, it turned back like a new one.
One day, Dark Snow went to the woods for a walk. She talked and played with the animals. It’s getting dark and about to go back home, but unfortunately, she got lost. Luckily, she saw a smoke, not very far from the place she stood, and she walked there. She saw a not very big house made of woods. She knocked the door hoping that someone’s there, so she can stay for a night. But no one’s there, she tried to open the door and it did. She came in and took a look around. There were 7 beds with different color. She lied down there for some rest and fell asleep.
Gumpy, Dopey, Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, Doc and Basfhul just arrived home when they saw a beautiful creature slept on Sneezy’s bed. They thought she’s an alien. They woke her up and Dark Snow fell to floor. “Who are you? Coockle-doodle-doo!” said Grumpy.
“Yes, who are you? Why are you here? How did you find us? Doodle-doo!” said Doc.
Dark snow got terrify, she tried to run away because she thought she’s crazy of hearing chickens talking. “Hachu!!”, Sneezy sneezed. Dark Snow looked back and helped to cure Sneezy. The 7 chickens were surprised. Dark Snow giggled and said, “I’m Dark Snow”. Happy took and kissed her hand. “I’m Happy, he’s Grumpy, Dopey, Sleepy, Sneezy, Basfhul and Doc, and we’re happy to have you here.”
“Would you like some breakfast? I’ll cook for you”, asked Dark Snow.
They all cockled-doodled-dood and ate the pancakes with corns and salad greedily. “I’m lost, I don’t know the way back to my house”, cries Dark Snow.
“We’ll help you! But after we went back from work” said Dopey, then they walked to Dark Snow-don’t-know-where. While waiting, Dark Snow cleaned the messy and dirty house of the chickens.
In the castle, the evil queen was very happy. She thought Dark Snow has died because she hasn’t returned. So she asked the magic mirror, “Mirror, mirror, on the floor, who’s the prettiest of them all?”
Then the mirror answered, “My queen, my queen, the fairest of them all is the Dark Snow”. The queen yelled and got mad, the glasses broke and so the mirror, but the mirror turned back again. She called one of her soldier and told him to find Dark Snow, kill her and bring her heart to the queen.
The soldier runs immediately to the woods. He’s not bear actually to kill the Dark Snow. So he searched for a deer, killed it and brought the heart to the queen. The queen laughed and laughed and laughed. She was very happy at the moment. She ask again to the mirror, ““Mirror, mirror, on the floor, now who’s the prettiest of them all?” with a very happy face.
Then the mirror answered, “My queen, my queen, the fairest of them all is the Dark Snow”.
The queen got angry, she broke the mirror and yelled very loud. All the glasses in the castle was broken, everyone got a hearing problem after it. Then she decided to kill the Dark Snow by herself.
She went to a room where she made something for Dark Snow. She mixed vinegar, mint leaf, chili, soda, ants, carrots, cinnamons, lemonade, soy sauce and sugar in a very big bowl and gave a little spell and it turned into an apple.
The evil queen disguised as an old woman that sells apple. She went to the house of woods and saw Dark Snow cooking. The 7 chickens were at work. She knocked the door and said, “Little girl, little girl, please buy some apples”.
“No, no, thank you old woman”, then she closed the door.
The old woman knocked the door again and said “Little girl, little girl, please buy some apples”
“No, no, thank you old woman” replied Dark Snow for the second time.
“you can taste one for free dear little girl” said the queen in disguise.
The Dark Snow tasted the apple and fell down. The old woman danced and laughed happily, then she left the house.
When the 7 chickens arrived, they saw Dark Snow on the floor and got surprised. They tried to wake her up, but it didn’t work. They brought her to the bed and hope that she will wake up. They cried and cried. Basfhul found an apple beside her. Then he ate it and BOOM!!!
He turned back to a man – dwarf actually. The other got surprised and ate the apple too. They all turned back to dwarfs. At the moment, they’re very happy and sad too.
After a week, surprisingly came a lost prince to the house of woods. Then the 7 chickens – that have turned back to dwarfs – let him in. He saw a beautiful woman on the bed sleeping and fell in love with her. The 7 dwarfs just cry and cry. “Why are you crying?” ask the prince confused.
“She hasn’t wake up for a week, I’m the sleepy one but I’ve never sleep for that long” said Sleepy.
“What’s her name?” ask the prince.
“Dark Snow, just like her beautiful skin” Doc replied with tears on his eyes.
“Dark Snow, please wake up, I love you”, said the prince and kissed her on the lips, then cries.
They all cry.
Not long after that, Dark Snow coughed and woke up. “She’s alive!” cried all the dwarfs.
“Thank you”, said Dark Snow while hugging the prince.
“Hey Dark Snow, your skin turned brighter, I mean very white, maybe Dark Snow is no longer your name”, said Happy giggling.
She’s surprised because the 7 chickens is no longer chickens. She’s very happy, and also everyone there.
The prince told this news to all of the people in the kingdom. The soldier – the one that was ordered to kill Dark Snow – heard this and caught the evil queen and brought her and the mirror to the jail. He’s a police actually, and he’s also in disguise.
Then the prince and Dark Snow or should we say Snow White, got married and live happily ever after.

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