Monday, March 2, 2015

Another Story of Cinderella : CINDEREDNA (Drama)

Narrator               Once upon a time there were two girls who lived next door to each other, named   Cinderella and Cinderedna. Even though they lived next door to each other and their life situation is the same, they faced it differently.
(Cinderella’s setting, Cinderella come in)
Stepmom            Cinderella, clean the floor! (Cinderella quickly cleans the floor)
Stepsister           (Purposely spilt water) Oops, sorry! (in a sarcastic way)
Cinderella           (Cleans the floor with a sad face)

Narrator               Cinderella is very helpless, but with CInderedna, it’s the other way around.
(Cinderedna’s setting, Cinderedna come in)
Stepmom            Cinderedna, clean the floor!
Cinderedna        Okay, no problem, I’m on it (whistling)
Stepsister           (Purposely spilt water) Oops, sorry!
Cinderedna        It’s okay, no problem. (waits for stepsister to go, covers the puddle with carpet) Hmm, it’s still 5.30, I can still clean the parrot cages and maw the lawn (then exits)

Narrator               The next day, there was an invitation from the king about a ball in the palace and all the ladies of the land were invited. The whole day, they ordered Cinderella and Cinderedna around, as they made their preparations.
Stepmom            Quick Cinderella, get my purse! (while doing make up)
Cinderella           (tries to get purse until yelled by her stepsister)
Stepsister           (yelling) Where are my high heels Cinderella?
Narrator               Meanwhile in Cinderedna’s house …
Cinderedna        Mam, here’s your purse (then to stepsister) and here’s your high heels. Have a great night!

Narrator               Both Cinderella’s and Cinderedna’s stepsister and stepmom drove away to the ball and left them both behind.
Cinderella           (sitting in the cinders) Oh how I wish I had a fairy godmother who can change these rags into a beautiful gown, so that I could go to the ball too
(fairy godmother appears)
Fairy                      Hello there! I’m your fairy godmother. And I’m here to make your dream come true (waves wands and a beautiful dress appears)
Cinderella           Wow, thank you! But fairy godmother, what shoes I’m going to wear?
Fairy                      (waves wands) Tarraaa! (beautiful shoes appears) Now go on and put it on

Narrator               Meanwhile in Cinderedna’s house …
Cinderedna        Hmm, good thing I’ve already bought a dress for this kind of occasions (takes dress from the wardrobe) and my sneakers will be perfect for dancing
(Cinderella’s setting)
Cinderella           (already wearing the dress) It fits perfectly! But fairy, how will I get to the ball?
Fairy                      (waves wands) Tarraaaa! (a wild pumpkin carriage appears)
Cinderella           It’s perfect, everything is perfect, thank you fairy godmother!

Narrator               Cinderella was ready to go, she tried to get to the carriage but her fairy godmother stopped her
Fairy                      Wait, before you go, you have to know when the clock strikes twelve, you have to go back before the magic spell disappear
Narrator               And with that, Cinderella nodded and went her way. Meanwhile, Cinderedna just finished getting ready.
Cinderedna        Hmm, I look okay I guess. (looks at the watch) Perfect timing, the bus stops at this time on our route, better get going
Narrator               Before she went, she took another look at the bus schedule on the wall outside her house
Cinderedna        The bus stops shift at twelve. I better go home that time

Narrator               With that, Cinderedna went on her way. Cinderella reached the palace a little bit earlier than Cinderedna. Cinderella looked beautiful, everybody looked at her. The king’s son, Randolph, was taken with her great beauty. He asked her to dance.
Randolph            Hello, I’m Randolph, son of the king
Cinderella           (curtsies) Hello Prince Randolph, it’s a pleasure to meet you
Randolph            Just call me Randolph. Come, let’s dance
Narrator               Cinderella and Prince Randolph danced, but Cinderella could only sway a bit to the music. She was afraid of messing her hair and she knew those fragile glass slippers would break if she danced too hard. Just then, Cinderedna entered the room. She made straight for the refreshment and poured herself some punch.
Cinderedna        This is some good punch. I wonder what they use to make this
Narrator               It was Randolph’s duty to greet everyone, so he came over to say hello
Randolph            Hello, I am Randolph, the son of the king.
Cinderedna        Oh, hey! So, what’s it like being a prince?
Randolph            Quite fantastic
Cinderedna        Oh really? What do you do? (asking curiously)
Randolph            Mostly, I review the troops and sit around on the throne looking brave and wise
Narrator               He turned his head so that Cinderedna could see how handsome he was, but Cinderedna wasn’t quite impressed.
Cinderedna        (sighs) well that’s BOOOORIINGGGGG 
Narrator               Before Randoplh could say anything, his brother came
Rupert                  Excuse me, but we recycle plastics around here
Randolph            Just ignore him, he’s only my younger brother, Rupert. He lives in a cottage in the back and runs the recycling plant and a home for orphaned kittens.
Narrator               Cinderedna immediately asked Rupert to dance
Cinderedna        That sounds fun. Anyways, would you like to dance?
Rupert                  I would love to dance! (goes to the dance floor) Whoa, this is my favorite song!
Cinderedna        Really? Me too! This is the best song ever

Narrator               They danced all night doing a lot of dance move. At last, they stopped for round of punch
Cinderedna        So tell me about yourself, besides what your brother said (drinking punch)
Rupert                  Okay well, I love tuna casserole
Cinderedna        (excited) really? I know 16 ways to make a tuna casserole
Rupert                  Really? Cool! I also play the concertina
Cinderedna        Are you kidding me? I play the accordion
Rupert                  Wow! Anyways, I know some good jokes
Cinderedna        Really? Let me tell you about the anteater from Afghanistan!
Rupert                  Okay and I’ll tell you about the banana from Barbados (then laugh together)

Narrator               They were in deep conversation. Meanwhile, Cinderella and Randolph were also talking. But when the clock began to strike twelve …
Cinderella           Oh, the magic spell disappears at midnight. I have to go now (runs outside)
Cinderedna        Wait, it’s twelve, the bus stops running at midnight. I have to go now (runs outside)
Narrator               Randolph and Rupert run after the two girls
Rupert                  Wait, edna! (tries to stop Cinderedna)
Randolph            Wait, I didn’t catch your name!

Narrator               As the two girls vanished, the 2 princes ran into each other on the palace steps
Rupert                  Look what you made me do! (angrily) She’s gone, the only girl I loved (sad face)
Randolph            Didn’t you ask her name?
Rupert                  Gee, I forgot to ask (sighs)
Narrator               As they got up, Rupert saw something
Rupert                  Hmm, this would be great for recycling (picking up a glass slipper)
Randolph            Wait, no! This is how we’ll find them
Rupert                  What do you mean?
Randolph            We’ll use this and try them on every girl here, and when it fits, it must be them
Rupert                  That’s a perfect idea! A perfectly dumb idea! You can get married to a midget for all I know
Randolph            Well, do you have a plan?
Rupert                  Of course, I have a much better idea (grins)
Randolph            Whatever (walks away)

Narrator               The next day, they put their plan to action
(Randolph walks in)
Randolph            Oh, it doesn’t fit (desperate face)
Stepmom            No, no, it fits. See? (forced it so it’ll fit, but still it doesn’t)
Randolph            Let’s try it on you (gives the slipper to the stepsister)
Stepsister           It’s too big, but it’s OK
Randolph            No, no, no, it’s not (more desperate)
(Cinderella’s sweeping the floor)
Randolph            Wait, who’s that? (pointing at Cinderella)
Stepmom            Nobody, no one, she’s just a maid
Randolph            Wait miss, can you try this on for a while? (gives the slipper to Cinderella)
(Cinderella tries it on, and it fits perfectly)
Randolph            It fits perfectly! I need to know your name
Cinderella           It’s Cinderella
Randolph            Well Cinderella, will you marry me? (on knees)
Cinderella           (surprised) Yes, yes my prince, I do

Narrator               Meanwhile CInderedna and Rupert …
Rupert                  So how many recipes do you know for tuna casserole?
Stepmom            (thinking) Hmm, I know 3
Rupert                  (sighs) Hey, can you tell me a joke?
Stepsister           Umm, no (walks away)
Rupert                  Wait, how about you?
Cinderedna        Me?
Rupert                  Yes, you. Do you know any tuna casserole?
Cinderedna        Well now, I remember 15 but I can tell you a joke about a kangaroo from Kalamazoo (smiles)
Rupert                  Wait, name?
Cinderedna        Edna. Cinderedna
Rupert                  My love! Will you marry me? (on knees)
Cinderedna        Ermahgeerd! Of course!

Narrator               And with that, everybody lived happily ever after

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